Monday, April 30, 2012

Fantasy Head

 Original Concept Drawing

Total of about 35 hours spent on this piece, but im glad it came out the way I wanted.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Some work done in my figure drawing class throughout the semester.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Object Portrait

A Collage of random house hold items that I painted over in Photoshop

Vasalius Studies

Master Copies of Vasalius Drawings. I love cross hatching

Analysis of Form

First Semester of Analysis of Form, Charcoal is fun!

Self Portrait

Old Digital Self Portrait

Robin Hood of China Town

Playing around with the idea of a modern Robin Hood in China Town, SF.

Prud'hon Study

Pierre Paul Prud'hon Master Copy.
The Dude abides.

Quick Portait Studies

Quick Portait sketches of some buddies.

Character thumbnails

Here are some rough character concepts, I've been messing around with